Singapore sling cocktail:
For a cocktail like this, some fresh ginger and lime juice make up the base with which to flavor it. Ginger is an important part of our everyday lives, but the warm spice adds great depth of flavour to our drinks. It helps add balance to your mix, enhances the taste of any drink with its bright orange colour, and also complements the flavour of many cocktails. However, there are occasions, when we need something more intense than what we can get from ginger or lime juice alone. This recipe for Singapore Sling Cocktail contains all that you would want to create!
Ingredient List:
1/2 cup water (or your preferred alternative)
1/2 lemon juice
2 ice cubes
2 slices dried apricots
1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
1/2 slice candied white ginger
1/2 slice powdered lemon peel
A small pot and 1 glass bowl or mason jar
What you will make:
1-2 cups ice cold water
8 ounce dry gin
2 ounces light dry vermouth
1 ounce fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 sliced lemon, plus juice for garnish
3-4 ounces unsalted rum
Note: A sugar cube (optional). For better taste of Sinapore Sling.
This mixture was first made in my kitchen during a Christmas gathering, by adding lemons juice, apricots and ginger sliced (which makes it very easy to use). I have been making these recipes ever since then, even though they seem new. When you have a chance to try them, they will be a welcome surprise! I hope that you enjoy yourself!
Before You Start...
Before starting the preparation o Singapore Sling, make sure you have chilled your water. If you have not and prefer to have it ready rather than having to start each morning just before the day starts, you may wish to do so. Some people find it easier to work in the evening hours - such as those who like to drive around town or visit public parks - it's much easier to get started at night.
After preparing the ingredients for the Singapore Sling cocktails, be sure to refrigerate them in a separate glass container. In case the ingredients don't last long enough, you might want to re-chill them! Also, check your glassware regularly. Do not be afraid to change your glasses once in a while because they will become dulled in heat, or perhaps because they were left sitting on their sides. My advice is simply to leave them on the table, but if this occurs frequently it may be worth changing what you use to keep them cool, although you will feel no difference. So try to make sure that your glassware is clean enough that your drinks would look nice. Once again, please remember to leave the lids off your containers and mugs. Then you are free to enjoy your night without fear of damaging anything! Let me know how you had a lovely evening! Just give me another tip below! Your kind gesture has gone a long way, Enjoy a delicious Singapore Sling Cocktail. thank you very much!
Recommended Video on How To Make Singapore Sling:
Method 2 For Making Singapore Sling:
Water/Water Bifurcated
For 8 oz. Dry Gin:
6 oz Fine Liqueurs:
6 oz Light Dried Vermouth
1 Oz White Syrup:
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice, plus extra if needed
For 2 oz. White Rum :
5 oz Fresh Mint Leaf Juice, plus extra for garnish
For 4 oz. Black Magic Bitters:
2 Tbsp Water, plus extra for Garnish
For Ice Cubes:
6 oz Crystal Sugar Creme Brulee,
6 oz Milk Powder Coffee Cream Cheese,
6 oz Crisp Vanilla Protein Powder,
6 oz Coconut Milk,
6 oz Heavy Creamer,
6oz Medium Moisture Yogurt,
6 oz Red Pepper Sauce
6 oz Frozen Juices,
6 oz Mice.
For Ice Blenders:
6oz Ultra Cold Unpacked Tomato Paste, plus extra for garnish.
For Strainers:
6 oz Apple Jack Cookies,
6 oz Soft Cheese Crackers,
6 oz Hard Cheese Crackers,
6 oz Crunchy Carrot Breads,
6 oz Choco Chips,
6 oz Raw Banana Bread,
6 oz Plain Greek Yogurt, plus extras for garnish
1/2 oz Almond Flour (ditto),
2 tbs Ground Cinnamon.
Steps - Preparation:
Step1. Set your water/lemon-juice/water bifurcated in a large saucepan and add 3/4 of the ice cubes from above. Add 1/2 of the salt and bring over hot boil until it turns into a foam ball. Turn it down and cover the pan. Remove the lid of the container and put it back in the freezer or the fridge about 10 minutes. Once the water becomes ice-cold again, strain it through a sieve into a large bowl. place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. At this point, fill two bowls with ice water and set aside for later.
Step2. Pour one cup of ice-cold water into a large glass or stockpot. Add eight ounces of dry gin, four ounces brown sugar (or any other brand you prefer, but preferably dark brown) and half of an ounce of crushed mint leaves. Stir well. Simmer gently over moderate heat until dissolved; this should take about 8 hours. Pour the rest of the gin and sugar in a small saucepan or ramekin. Cook the liquid until foaming, stirring constantly. Leave it undisturbed until the sugar dissolves completely. Pour this into ice-filled large cups (or mugs) or mason jars and serve. Keep that aside. Now, prepare a pot with six ounces of ice-cold water.
Step3. Put one cup of ice-cold water into the bottom of a metal saucepan and place a couple of inches in contact with the bottom. Add three ounces of water (preferably room temperature but cold can be used too). Pile 2 ounces of ice over the top of the saucepan - the level will depend on whatever size cup you choose. Place the saucepan back on the stove; after 30 minutes, when the liquid begins to bubble, turn off the heat. Pour the syrup in the saucepan. Stir it thoroughly; it will only bubble briefly, but should start boiling after one minute. Continue stirring until the liquid thickens and sets. To facilitate this process, keep your eye out for bubbles appearing on the side of the liquid. Increase the pressure and stir constantly. Repeat this step with 2 ounces of water, gradually increasing it to about 8-10 cups or a small amount of liquid. When it begins to thicken, remove the lid of the saucepan and allow the liquid to stand on the surface. Gradually, gradually, pour the liquid onto the smooth surface. If the liquid does not settle right away, repeat this simple, short procedure with each additional ounce of liquid. Cover the saucepan and return it to the stove and continue heating until the liquid thickens and starts bubbling. After this time, remove your saucepan and return it to the fire.
Step4. Fill a few mason jars with ice-cold water and arrange them in groups. Pour 5 ounces of dry gin powder into one set and 6 ounces of black sugar and 4 ounces of white sugar into another. Pour one cup of ice-cold water into another and place the remaining 2 cups of ice-cold water in the third group. Scatter a few pieces of sea shells and a sprinkling of green pepper across the second set. Pour 3 ounces of light dry vermouth into one set, and 6 ounces of dry syrup into another. Pour one cup of ice-cold water into another, and 5 ounces of vanilla vodka and 2 tablespoons of sea salt. Shake the mason jar to distribute the ice crystals. Pour the liquids from the first set into the second group and add some ice crystals from the end of the empty space. Replace the second bottle of ice water with ice and pour another portion of water from the first set into the empty space until it forms a straight line between the bottles. Repeat this procedure with the entire second set, mixing each bottle in with the others. Once finished in each set, squeeze all the contents and serve.
Step5. Combine the following ingredients and spread evenly across the bottom of the mason jars. These amounts are calculated in order to ensure that each group contains 1/2 cup. Fill a large serving bowl with ice cold tap water and place each group of 12 pieces together. Then, divide each 1/2 cups into different sections; each section should contain 1/2 cup of ice. Pour the gel in each section into the container and add 3/4 ounces of salt - 1/4 ounces more than below - and serve.
Step6. Divide the remainder of the mixture between each group. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in your pantry, on the counter or in a sealed box lined with clingfilm. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.
Step7. Finally, top each set of mason jars with a piece of cheese grater, a bit of shredded iceberg, some shredded carrots or celery and any other fresh vegetables of your choosing.
If you enjoyed The Singapore Sling please let me know in comment.